Please be cautious arriving and leaving school. Parts of Mauldin road back towards Mauldin are flooded and closed off. Please be safe and not drive through any standing water.
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
We apologize for so many updates but we want to make sure everyone is informed. Gears after school will close at 5 today. Please arrange pickup from Gears before 5.
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
Para aclarar, la escuela todavía está en un horario normal. La ruta del autobús simplemente no correrá después de la escuela.
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
To clarify, school is still on a normal schedule. The bus route just will not run after school.
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
Por precaución por condiciones potencialmente peores durante el resto del día escolar, nuestra ruta de autobús por la tarde no estará operativa. Haga arreglos para recoger a todos los estudiantes de la escuela. Llámenos y háganos saber si esto será un problema y podemos ver cómo podemos ayudarlo.
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
Tenemos advertencias de tornado en nuestra área y hemos estado bajo procedimientos para una advertencia de tornado que incluye a estudiantes que se refugian en ubicaciones de pasillos centrales. Los estudiantes están seguros y estamos atentos al clima para ver cuándo podemos reanudar las actividades diarias. Por favor, abstenerse de llamar a la escuela a menos que sea una emergencia para que podamos mantener nuestras líneas telefónicas libres para emergencias.
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
We do have Tornado Warnings in our area and have been under procedures for a tornado warning that include students taking shelter in central hallway locations. Students are safe and we are watching the weather closely for when we can resume daily activities. Please refrain from calling school unless it is an emergency so we can keep our phone lines free for emergencies.
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
Solo un recordatorio de que seguimos al Condado de Greenville por cierres climáticos y demoras. Enviaremos un mensaje en cualquier momento que ocurra. Por favor, absténgase de llamar a la oficina de recepción para preguntar sobre el clima para que nuestras líneas telefónicas permanezcan abiertas. No parece haber ningún peligro de cerrar hoy. ¡Disfrute el clima!
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
Just a reminder we follow Greenville County for weather closings and delay. We will send a message any time that occurs. Please refrain from calling the front office to inquire about weather so our phone lines stay free. There doesn’t appear to be any danger of closing today. Enjoy the flurries!
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
Our primary grades classrooms enjoyed their 100th day of school celebration today! They participated in a variety of games and activities to show their knowledge of place value from 0-100!
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
K5 students kicked off their expedition by using their senses to explore parts of trees. Our K5 students are "Grateful for Trees and Me."
about 4 years ago, Joanna Espinosa
Mr. Lindley's group made it out!
about 4 years ago, Joanna Espinosa
More spring expeditions are kicking off! One of 5th grades guiding questions is, "What is success?"
about 4 years ago, Joanna Espinosa
Please see the updated hiring page to more clearly explain the Principal opening. Sorry for any confusion.
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
We are accepting resumes for 20-21 positions.
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
6th grade kicked off their expedition today. Students were given various adaptations to be able to participate in games. This semester, they will be learning how people, plants, and animals adapt to changing environments.
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
Girls Soccer and Boys Baseball Tryouts are just around the corner. Girls soccer tryouts will occur Feb 10-11 from 3:45-5:15 at caine Halter YMCA. Baseball tryouts will occur Feb 10-11 from 4:00-5:30 at New Hope Baptist Church. A mandatory parent meeting will occur Feb. 5th at 6:00pm in the 6th grade classrooms at Lead Academy. All questions should be directed to Coach Keller.
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
about 4 years ago, Chase Willingham
We are so proud of our students and the learning that they displayed at our winter Celebrations of Learning.
over 4 years ago, Joanna Espinosa