Good Afternoon Lead Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. Please see the updates and information for the coming week. Crew This past Friday, our students participated in our crew survey and we have a lot to celebrate! Out of 201 responses from students in 3rd-8th grade, here are just a few of the highlights: When asked if a teacher would encourage them if a task was difficult, 75% responded positively (extremely likely/very likely) When asked how much Crew has helped them discover what is important to them, 66% responded positively (helped a great deal/helped quite a bit) When asked how much students feel accepted by others in their Crew, 68% responded positively. (Completely accepted/mostly accepted) When asked how much students feel they belong in their Crew, 81% responded positively. (Completely belong/mostly belong) When asked how well students felt known by their Crew leader, 70% responded positively (Knows me very well/Pretty well) When asked how included students feel by their Crew leader, 85% of students responded positively (Very included/pretty included) These are very encouraging and powerful results of our crew time each day and your extensions of these conversations at home. As we continue digging into the data, we will use the student responses to find ways to continue to improve. But for now, let's celebrate and recognize such a wonderful moment. Celebration of Learning We can't wait to see everyone at our Celebration of Learning this Thursday, January 12th from 5:30pm-7:15pm. This is our hallmark event where students display 3 months of deep expedition learning. Doors open at 5pm. Students should dress in their black polo shirts and khaki bottom material. If you do not have a black polo shirt, we have limited sizes available for sale in the front office. Hands on Lead MLK day is designated as a 'national day of service,' and we would love for you to join the serve well committee in beautifying our school on Monday, January 16th, from 10-12. Projects will range from gardening, painting, and freshening the campus we all love. This is a joint community service opportunity where parents and students can lend a hand in serving our school community well. Please click the link to sign up. Additionally, the serve well committee will collect needed items for the Ronald McDonald House and Safe Harbor this week Jan. 9-12. Items Include: Canned soup, juice boxes, crackers, aluminum foil, paper plates/cups/utensils, lysol spray, clorox wipes, toilet paper, packet size kleenex, hats/gloves/scarves. Student-Led Conferences Please save the date for our student-led conferences for February 17th. Handbook Highlight Only Lead Academy jackets may be worn inside. All other jackets may be worn outside only. Sweat/Athletic pants/shorts are not a part of the dress code. Open Enrollment Our 1st-8th grade enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is now open! If you have a future falcon or know someone interested in being part of our Lead Crew, please visit our website at for more information. Applications are open now for families that are interested in enrolling for immediate openings in grades K-8. Spaces will be filled on a first come, first served basis in accordance with our current waiting list per grade level. If you know someone who is interested, please visit for more information or to sign up now! Upcoming events: Jan. 12: Celebration of Learning (5:00pm) Jan. 9-12: Essential Item Drive Jan. 13-16: No school for students Jan. 19: Report card Jan. 20: Fun Friday Jan. 27: All pro dads Feb. 17: Student-Led Conferences 2022-2023 Calendar Follow our athletic department to get updates and information on all sports activities: Facebook: Lead Academy Athletics Instagram: leadacademyathletics Twitter: @LeadFalcons Upcoming Basketball games: January 10 Girls and Boys Southside Christian Home 4:30 PM January 11 Girls and Boys St. Joseph Away 4:00 PM January 17 Girls and Boys Legacy Early College Home 5:00 PM *Falcon Cheerleading team will cheer at all home games.* January 9 Jr. Boys Shannon Forest Home 4:30 PM January 18 Jr. Boys St. Mary's Away 5:00 PM January 26 Jr. Boys OLR Away 5:00 PM Reminders If you need to change your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!
about 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Good afternoon Lead Families, Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you had a restful break, and I'm excited to see everyone back tomorrow. Please see the updates and information for the coming week. Students return Monday, January 2nd! Crew This week in crew, students will discus: K,2nd,4th-Be proactive 1st,3rd-Begin with the end in mind 5th-Put first things first 6th,7th-Trust and Responsibility 8th-The advocate Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day. Celebration of Learning We are excited about our celebration of learning on Thursday, January 12. Doors open at 5:00pm. Students should dress in black polo shirts and khakis. 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade students will have new related arts classes for the 2nd Semester. The following form should be completed by this Friday, January 6th: 2nd Semester Related Arts Choices Form Band, Chorus, and Spanish 1 are year-long classes. $1 Dress-down day Wednesday, January 4th This Wednesday, January 4th, will be $1 dress-down day. Students can pay $1 to come out of uniform. Parents, please be mindful that dress-down day is a fundraising effort. Students should not be out of uniform if they choose not to participate in the fundraiser. All students must still be in school-appropriate attire. This means there should be NO HOLES in pants, there are to be NO CROCS or SLIDES, NO PAJAMAS, and any message communicated on their clothing, either through explicit language or artwork or through suggested humor, should be school appropriate. The money will be collected at the front door as students enter. Student-Led Conference Please save the date for our student-led conferences for February 17th. Handbook Highlight Cell phones and smart watches must be off and stored away. If a student brings a cell phone or smartwatch to school, it must not be seen or heard. If a staff member sees or hears either, it will be taken away and picked up in the front office by a parent. Cell phones should be off and stored away on the Lead bus. Open Enrollment Our 1st-8th grade enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is now open! If you have a future falcon or know someone interested in being part of our Lead Crew, please visit our website at for more information. Applications are open now for families that are interested in enrolling for immediate openings in grades K-8. Spaces will be filled on a first come, first served basis in accordance with our current waiting list per grade level. If you know someone who is interested, please visit for more information or to sign up now! Upcoming events: Jan. 4: $1 Dress Down Day Jan. 12: Celebration of Learning (5:00pm) Jan. 13-16: No school for students Jan. 19: Report cards go home Jan. 20: Fun Friday Jan. 27: All Pro Dads Feb. 17: Student-Led Conference 2022-2023 Calendar Follow our athletic department to get updates and information on all sports activities: Facebook: Lead Academy Athletics Instagram: leadacademyathletics Twitter: @LeadFalcons Upcoming Basketball games: January 5 Girls and Boys Langsten Charter Away 4:00 PM January 10 Girls and Boys Southside Christian Home 4:30 PM January 11 Girls and Boys St. Joseph Away 4:00 PM January 17 Girls and Boys Legacy Early College Home 5:00 PM *Falcon Cheerleading team will cheer at all home games.* January 3 Jr. Boys Oakbrook Prep Away 4:30 PM January 9 Jr. Boys Shannon Forest Home 4:30 PM January 18 Jr. Boys St. Mary's Away 5:00 PM January 26 Jr. Boys OLR Away 5:00 PM Reminders If you need to change your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!
about 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Good Evening Lead Families, I hope everyone had a restful weekend. Please see the updates and info for the coming week. Crew This week will be the final week of our crew topic appreciation. To put into practice what we've learned about appreciation, On Wednesday, December 14, students get the opportunity to share a gift of gratitude through secret falcon. Students are expected to share an appreciation for a Crewmate that they randomly select during a Crew activity. We encourage students not to spend money to show appreciation. A kind note, a special homemade gift, or an act of service can all be appropriate appreciation. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day. No School Friday, December 16 A reminder that there is no school for students on Friday, December 16. Spirit Week We will have spirit week Dec. 12-15. The theme for each day will be: Monday - Neon Day - your future is bright, wear bright colors, sunglasses are strongly encouraged to protect the eyes from all of the bright futures! Tuesday - We Are Crew - as a crew decide how you’d like to show up and everyone from your crew dresses in that theme. Wednesday - Wildlife Wednesday - dress in your favorite animal print or wear your favorite animal on your clothes. Thursday - Thankful Thursday - dress as someone or something you’re thankful for. Follow our athletic department to get updates and information on all sports activities: Facebook: Lead Academy Athletics Instagram: leadacademyathletics Twitter: @LeadFalcons Upcoming Basketball games: December 12 Girls and Boys St. Mary's Home 4:00 PM December 15 Girls and Boys Spartanburg Prep Away 4:30 PM *Falcon Cheerleading team will cheer at all home games.* Please save the date for our celebration of Learning on January 12. This week is the last opportunity to enter our $50 gift card drawing. Head over to Facebook and repost our lottery post for your chance to win. Check out the post at In order to be entered, screenshot your shared post and send it to Upcoming events: Dec. 12-15: Spirit Week Dec. 16-30: No school for students January 12: Celebration of Learning Reminders If you need to change your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!
about 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Good Evening Lead Families, I hope everyone had a restful weekend. Please see the updates and information for the coming week. Crew This week in Crew, students will continue discussing appreciation and having an attitude of gratitude. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day. $1 Dress-down day Wednesday December 7 This Wednesday, December 7, will be $1 dress-down day. Students can pay $1 to come out of uniform. Parents, please be mindful that dress-down day is a fundraising effort. Students should not be out of uniform if they choose not to participate in the fundraiser. All students must still be in school-appropriate attire. This means there should be NO HOLES in pants, there are to be NO CROCS or SLIDES, and any message communicated on their clothing, either through explicit language or artwork or through suggested humor, should be school appropriate. The money will be collected at the front door as students enter. Fun Friday, December 9 We will have Fun Friday this Friday, De. 9. Fun Friday is an opportunity for students to live out our EPIC habits of leadership through original, Lead created team-building games. Students should wear their team colors. Much like DRESS DOWN DAY, all attire worn on Fun Fridays must be school-appropriate. This means there should be NO HOLES in pants, there are to be NO CROCS or SLIDES, and any message communicated on their clothing, either through explicit language or artwork or through suggested humor, should be school appropriate. This week will be the last opportunity to complete the attached family engagement survey. This data will be used to analyze our progress as a school and areas we should consider reviewing to make some changes and improvements. Your voice and thoughts are valued and greatly appreciated. Community Service Hours 50% of community service hours should be completed by January 5, 2023. Parents - we would love your help sharing Lead Academy with your friends. On November 30, Lead added a post about our lottery process. We are entering all who share this post in a drawing for a $50 gift card. We will be giving away three before the winter break. Check out the post at In order to be entered, screenshot your shared post and send it to Spirit Week We will have spirit week Dec. 12-15. The theme for each day will be: Monday - Neon Day - your future is bright, wear bright colors, sunglasses are strongly encouraged to protect the eyes from all of the bright futures! Tuesday - We Are Crew - as a crew decide how you’d like to show up and everyone from your crew dresses in that theme. Wednesday - Wildlife Wednesday - dress in your favorite animal print or wear your favorite animal on your clothes. Thursday - Thankful Thursday - dress as someone or something you’re thankful for. Follow our athletic department to get updates and information on all sports activities: Facebook: Lead Academy Athletics Instagram: leadacademyathletics Twitter: @LeadFalcons Upcoming Basketball games: December 5 Girls and Boys Legacy Early College Away 5:00 PM December 6 Girls and Boys Christ Church Home 4:00 PM December 8 Girls and Boys Mitchell Road Home 4:00 PM December 12 Girls and Boys St. Mary's Home 4:00 PM December 15 Girls and Boys Spartanburg Prep Away 4:30 PM *Falcon Cheerleading team will cheer at all home games.* Please save the date for our celebration of Learning on January 12. Celebration of Learning is where students take ownership of their learning and display it in a high-quality way while also being able to talk visitors through their learning process. It's a time when students shine, feel empowered, and get to celebrate months of hard work. Parents have an opportunity to get a lens into learning and also get the opportunity to celebrate not only their own student but all the students in the grade level; they also get an opportunity to connect with other parents. It is an important tool to build community and celebrate who we are. Upcoming events: December 7: $1 Dress Down Day December 9: Fun Friday Dec. 12-15: Spirit Week Dec. 16-30: No school for students January 12: Celebration of Learning Reminders If you need to change your child's transportation, please call or email the front office before 2:30 at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks
about 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Good Evening Lead Parents, I hope everyone enjoyed the break. Please see the updates and information for the coming week. Crew This week, students will discuss the topic of appreciation. Appreciation is having an attitude of gratitude. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day. Tuesday, Nov. 29 Game Truck & Kona Ice (for students who won this Fundraiser Reward) Family engagement survey Please complete the attached family involvement surveys. This data will be used to analyze our progress as a school and areas we should consider reviewing to make some changes and improvements. Your voice and thoughts are valued and greatly appreciated. Community Service Hours 50% of community service hours should be completed by Jan. 5, 2023. Conestee park has litter cleanups open to the public. This is an opportunity for Lead students to gain community service hours. Please, visit the link to sign up. Please follow our athletic department to get updates and information on all sports activities: Facebook: Lead Academy Athletics Instagram: leadacademyathletics Twitter: @LeadFalcons Upcoming Basketball games: November 29 Girls and Boys Shannon Forest Home 4:00 PM December 5 Girls and Boys Legacy Early College Away 5:00 PM December 6 Girls and Boys Christ Church Home 4:00PM December 8 Girls and Boys Mitchell Road Home 4:00PM December 12 Girls and Boys St. Mary's Home 4:00PM December 15 Girls and Boys Spartanburg Prep Away 4:30PM *Falcon Cheerleading team will cheer at all home games.* Please save the date for our Celebration of Learning on Jan. 12. Celebration of Learning is where students take ownership of their learning and display it in a high-quality way while also being able to talk visitors through their learning process. It's a time when students shine, feel empowered, and get to celebrate months of hard work. Parents have an opportunity to get a lens into learning and also get the opportunity to celebrate not only their own student but all the students in the grade level; they also get an opportunity to connect with other parents. It is an important tool to build community and celebrate who we are. Upcoming events: Nov. 23-25: No school for students Nov. 28: Progress Reports Dec. 7: $1 Dress Down Day Dec. 9: Fun Friday Dec. 16-30: No school for students Jan. 12: Celebration of Learning Reminders If you need to change your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!
about 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Hey Lead Families, I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Please see the updates for the coming week. Thank you to our families for participating in our family Zumba night and our "stuff the bus" canned food drive. We are excited to have more events throughout the school year. Crew This week in Crew, all students will be in the final week of the growth mindset. Students will create S.M.A.R.T. goals S.M.A.R.T. goals help us create small steps to reach our big goals. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day. Conestee park has litter cleanups open to the public. This is an opportunity for Lead students to gain community service hours. Please, visit the link to sign up. Lead Athletic Department Please follow our athletic department to get updates and information on all sports activities: Facebook: Lead Academy Athletics Instagram: leadacademyathletics Twitter: @LeadFalcons Upcoming Basketball games: November 21:MS Girls and Boys Bob Jones Home 4:00 PM November 29:MS Girls and Boys Shannon Forest Home 4:00 PM *Falcon Cheerleading team will cheer at all home games.* Upcoming events: Nov. 23-25: No school for students Nov. 28: Progress Reports Dec. 7: $1 Dress Down Day Dec. 9: Fun Friday Reminders If you need to change your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!
about 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Good Afternoon Lead families, I hope everyone had a great weekend! Please see the updates and information for the coming week. Crew This week in Crew, students will continue discussing the growth mindset. Topics will be: Sometimes we win sometimes we learn, we can be the change we want to see, where there's a will there's a way, and an expert in anything was once a beginner. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day. Family Zumba Night Please join us for our Neon Glow Family Zumba night Wednesday, Nov. 16 5:30-6:30. It is free for all staff, families, friends, and students.~GLOW THEME wear your brightest workout gear!~Come laugh, dance, have fun, AND get a great workout! "Stuff the Bus" Canned Food Drive Please join the Serve Well Committee for our 'Stuff the Bus' Food Drive by collecting canned goods any day this week (Nov. 14-18) and non-perishable food items from your families, neighbors, and friends over the next week. Our goal is to fill our school bus with items to be of service to families in our surrounding community that need a little extra help this season. Each morning we will have student volunteers in the car line to gather your donations. On Saturday, Nov. 19, we will have a packing party that will end with a delivery to a local food bank! There are several opportunities for students to earn community service hours by participating with this initiative: 5th - 8th Grade Students Gather donations and inform families of the project in the car loop each morning (11/15-11/18). **If you volunteer, you must commit to arriving at school no later than 7:10am. Any Lead Student: Sign up to help sort, pack, and deliver the canned goods on Saturday, Nov. 19, 2022 from 10:00am-12:00pm. **Parents, if this option is selected, please prepare to stay and serve with your student. Thank you for helping us to feed our local community! Community Service Hours 50% of community service hours should be completed by Jan. 5, 2023. Lead Athletic Department Please follow our athletic department to get updates and information on all sports activities: Facebook: Lead Academy Athletics Instagram: leadacademyathletics Twitter: @LeadFalcons Upcoming Basketball games: November 14:MS Girls and Boys Vs. Greenville Hurricanes Home 4:00 PM November 15:MS Girls and Boys Vs. Spartanburg Day Home 4:00 PM November 17-19:MS Girls and Boys Vs. Greenville County Preseason Invitational Location TBD November 21:MS Girls and Boys Bob Jones Home 4:00 PM November 29:MS Girls and Boys Shannon Forest Home 4:00 PM *Falcon Cheerleading team will cheer at all home games.* Lead Academy PTO If you are interested in joining the Lead Academy PTO, please fill out the google form. We will have a parent interest meeting on Nov. 15 at 3:45. Upcoming events: Nov. 15: PTO interest meeting (3:45) Nov. 14-19: "Stuff the Bus" Canned food drive Nov. 16: Family Zumba Night (5:30) Nov. 23-25: No school for students Nov. 28: Progress Reports Reminders If you need to change your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!
over 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Hey Lead Families, I hope everyone is having a great afternoon. Please see the information and updates for the coming week. Crew This week in Crew, all students in grades K-8 will continue discussing the growth mindset through our circle of control. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day. There is no school for students on Monday Nov. 7th & Tuesday 8th. Thanks to our faculty, staff, parents, and community members for making our Lead Reads Week and 2nd annual Book-a-palooza a huge success. Special shout out to our Parent PIT Crew, who went above and beyond! Makeup pictures Any student absent for fall pictures can take makeup pictures this Thursday, Nov. 10. Students taking makeup pictures should wear their black polo. $1 Dress-down day This Wednesday, Nov. 9, will be $1 dress-down day. Students can pay $1 to come out of uniform. Parents, please be mindful that dress-down day is a fundraising effort. Students should not be out of uniform if they choose not to participate in the fundraiser. All students must still be in school-appropriate attire. This means there should be NO HOLES in pants, there are to be NO CROCS or SLIDES, and any message communicated on their clothing, either through explicit language or artwork or through suggested humor, should be school appropriate. The money will be collected at the front door as students enter. Fun Friday We will have Fun Friday this Friday, Nov. 11. Fun Friday is an opportunity for students to live out our EPIC habits of leadership through original, Lead created team-building games. Students should wear their team colors. Much like DRESS DOWN DAY, all attire worn on Fun Fridays must be school-appropriate. This means there should be NO HOLES in pants, there are to be NO CROCS or SLIDES, and any message communicated on their clothing, either through explicit language or artwork or through suggested humor, should be school appropriate. Lead Athletic Department Please follow our athletic department to get updates and information on all sports activities: Facebook: Lead Academy Athletics Instagram: leadacademyathletics Twitter: @LeadFalcons Upcoming Basketball games: November 14:MS Girls and Boys Vs. Greenville Hurricanes Home 4:00 PM November 15:MS Girls and Boys Vs. Spartanburg Day Home 4:00 PM November 17-19:MS Girls and Boys Vs. Greenville County Preseason Invitational Location TBD November 21:MS Girls and Boys Bob Jones Home 4:00 PM November 29:MS Girls and Boys Shannon Forest Home 4:00 PM *Falcon Cheerleading team will cheer at all home games.* School Uniform Store Tomorrow Nov. 7, is the last day to make your uniform and jacket purchases! Please visit to order now! Lead Academy PTO If you are interested in joining the Lead Academy PTO, please fill out the google form. We will have a parent interest meeting on Nov. 15 at 3:45. Upcoming events: Nov. 7 & 8: No School for Students Nov. 9: $1 Dress Down Day Nov. 10: Makeup pictures (Black polo shirts) Nov. 11: Fun Friday Nov. 15: PTO interest meeting Nov. 23-25: No school for students Nov. 28: Progress Reports Reminders If you need to change your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!
over 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Today is the last day of our in person Book Fair. You can shop our online fair until November 13th. Go to online shopping from our Book Fair Homepage Thanks for all of your support. We hope you are enjoying all of your books!
over 2 years ago, Lead Academy
Good Morning Lead Families, I hope everyone is enjoying their day. Please see the updates and information for the coming week. Crew This week in Crew, students in grades K-8 will discuss having a growth mindset. Students will discuss the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset, how to change your mindset, and how we can learn from our mistakes. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day. Shout out to our Lead Choir! The Lead Academy Middle School Choir had its first outing on Friday, October 28th. They attended the MS Choir Clinic, where they had the opportunity to learn from experts in the field of the choral arts and collaborate with other middle school students across the upstate. They did a great job serving well and representing Lead! Lead Reads Week We are so excited about all the activities happening for Lead Reads Week and can't wait to see all our families at Book-a-palooza this Tuesday, Nov. 1, from 5:30-7:30! If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Mr. Fraser Forde, the head of our PIT Crew (Parent Interest Team), at Also, please consider donating to make this event great by visiting The Scholastic Book Fair will be here during Lead Reads Week (10/31-11/4). Visit our Book Fair Homepage to sign up for eWallets (which allows you to put money under a student's name, so your student does not need to bring money to school), view your student's class visit time, and view an online flyer. Lead Athletic Department Please follow our athletic department to get updates and information on all sports activities: Facebook: Lead Academy Athletics Instagram: leadacademyathletics Twitter: @LeadFalcons Upcoming Basketball games: November 14:MS Girls and Boys Vs. Greenville Hurricanes Home 4:00 PM November 15:MS Girls and Boys Vs. Spartanburg Day Home 4:00 PM November 17-19:MS Girls and Boys Vs. Greenville County Preseason Invitational Location TBD November 21:MS Girls and Boys Bob Jones Home 4:00 PM November 29:MS Girls and Boys Shannon Forest Home 4:00 PM *Falcon Cheerleading team will cheer at all home games.* School Uniform Store The school uniform store is open Now through Nov. 7th! Please visit to make your purchases. Lead Academy PTO If you are interested in joining the Lead Academy PTO, please fill out the google form. We will have a parent interest meeting on Nov. 15 at 3:45. Upcoming events: Oct. 31-Nov 4: Lead Reads Week Nov. 1: Book-a-Palooza (5:30-7:30) Nov. 7 & 8: No School for Students Nov. 9: $1 Dress Down Day Nov. 10: Make-up pictures (Black polo shirts) Nov. 11: Fun Friday Nov. 15: PTO interest meeting Nov. 23-25: No school for students Nov. 28: Progress Reports Reminders If you need to change your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!
over 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Hey Lead Families, We are able to take a few more orders today by 3:00. If you plan to purchase dinner for our book-a-palooza, please stop by the front office. There will not be food available to purchase the night of the event. The price is $7 per person, $25 for family of 4, and $30 for family of 5.
over 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Hey Lead Families, We are extending our pasta dinner orders for Book-a-palooza to tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 28th! This is the last day to sign up and you can send money or pay in the front office! Pasta dinners will be available for all families, and tickets must be purchased this week. There will not be food available to purchase the night of the event. The price is $7 per person, $25 for family of 4, and $30 for family of 5.
over 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Hey Lead Parents, I have a couple of announcements and reminders. The school uniform store is open Now through Nov. 7th! Please visit to make your purchases. All Pro Dads will meet tomorrow morning at 7:15 am in the cafeteria. If you are interested in joining, please visit to sign up. Thanks and have a great day!
over 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Hey Lead Families, We are super excited about our Book-a-palooza next Tuesday night, Nov. 1 at 5:30 pm! Pasta dinners will be available for all families, and tickets must be purchased this week. There will not be food available to purchase the night of the event. The price is $7 per person, $25 for family of 4, and $30 for family of 5. Please send all money to the front office by this Thursday, Oct 27th.
over 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Good Evening Lead Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. Please see the following updates and information for the coming week. Crew This week in Crew, students in grades k-4 will discuss the last of our Lead habit of character, Curiosity. Students will discuss how we can become more curious through a growth mindset, creativity, finding 3rd alternatives, and wonder. Grade 5: Personal Mission Statement, 6th: Seek to Understand, 7th-8th: Be proactive. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day. Fundraiser Delivery Day is Tomorrow, October 24th. Items will be available for pick up at school from 1:30- 5:00 pm. If your student has more than 5 items to pick up, please plan to park and pick up your items during this time. If unavailable, you are welcome to send a friend or family member to pick up items. All that is needed is the student's name. For students with fewer than 5 items, we will get the items to the student during dismissal. Lead Reads Weeks Our Lead Reads week is Oct. 31-Nov. 4! Part of lead reads week is our Book-a-Palooza family night which begins at 5:30 pm. If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please reach out to Mr. Fraser Forde, the head of our PIT Crew (Parent Interest Team), at Also, please consider donating to make this event great by visiting The Scholastic Book Fair will be here during Lead Reads Week (10/31-11/4). Visit our Book Fair Homepage to sign up for eWallets (which allows you to put money under a student's name, so your student does not need to bring money to school), view your student's class visit time, and view an online flyer. Upcoming events: Oct. 31-Nov 4: Lead Reads Week Nov. 1: Book-a-Palooza Nov. 7 & 8: No School for Students Nov. 9: $1 Dress Down Day Nov. 10: Make-up pictures Nov. 11: Fun Friday Reminders If you need to change your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!
over 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Good Afternoon Lead Families, I hope everyone is enjoying their day. Please see the updates and activities for the coming week. Crew This week in Crew, Students in K-4 will discuss our EPIC character trait, Integrity. Students will discuss how Integrity shows up through trust, honesty, taking responsibility, and being a model. 5th grade: Personal mission statements, 6th grade: Seek to understand, 7th-8th grade: Be proactive. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day. No School for Students Monday, October 17th Reminder there is no school for students on Monday, October 17th. Lead reads weeks Please save the date for our lead reads week Oct. 31-Nov. 4. Part of lead reads week is our Book-a-Palooza family night which begins at 5:30 pm. If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please reach out to Mr. Fraser Forde, the head of our PIT Crew (Parent Interest Team), at Report Cards Report cards are scheduled to go home on Thursday, October 20th. At Lead Academy, we assess and give feedback on student work through Mastery Based Grading. In Mastery Based Grading, grades are viewed as a tool for communicating student progress towards a standard. Instead of a traditional 0-100 scale, we use a 1-4 scale to communicate where a student is in relation to a standard. Our grading system aims to help students understand that growth and mastery of the skill is what matters, more than just a grade in a gradebook. Handbook Highlight Student attendance is vital to academic success. Students have 3 consecutive unexcused absences or 5 total unexcused absences are deemed truant by the state Car line change This week we will go back to our original car line process that uses the entire car line. This will help create a fee lane for gym and athletic usage. Upcoming events: Oct. 17: No school for students Oct. 20: Report Cards Oct. 31-Nov 4: Lead Reads Week Nov. 1: Book-a-Palooza Nov. 7 & 8: No School for Students Reminders If you need to make changes to your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!
over 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Good Afternoon Lead Academy, I hope everyone is enjoying their day. Please see the updates and information for the coming week. Crew This week in Crew, students in K-4 will discuss the habit of leadership, Perseverance. Students will discuss not quitting, making a plan, tiny stairs, and YES, I CAN! 5th grade students will discuss the great discovery, 6th: Seek to understand, 7th and 8th: Be Proactive. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day. Lead Reads Week We are super excited about our upcoming Lead Reads Week Oct. 31-Nov. 4! If you are interested in learning how you can help make this event great, please attend our parent interest meeting Tuesday, Oct. 11 via zoom at 7:00pm. Community Service Lead Academy believes in the character trait of serving well. It is important for leaders to serve well at school, at home, and in their communities. Lead students will have the opportunity to complete community service hours this year. Please review the information with your student sent home this past week. Please let your child's teacher know if you did not receive the information. Fun Friday We will have Fun Friday this Friday, Oct. 14th. Fun Friday is an opportunity for students to live out our EPIC habits of leadership through original, Lead created team-building games. Students should wear their team colors. Much like DRESS DOWN DAY, all attire worn on Fun Fridays must be school-appropriate. This means there should be NO HOLES in pants, there are to be NO CROCS or SLIDES, and any message communicated on their clothing, either through explicit language or artwork or through suggested humor, should be school appropriate. Handbook Highlight Cell phones and smart watches must be off a stored away. If a student brings a cell phone or smartwatch to school, it must not be seen or heard. If a staff member sees or hears either, it will be taken away and must be picked up in the front office by a parent. Cell phones should be off and stored away on the Lead bus. Likewise, Students may not contact parents regarding illness using personal cell phones. If a student becomes ill at school, they must go to the Health Room where the nurse will evaluate whether or not that student needs to go home. Upcoming events: Oct. 14: Fun Friday Oct. 17: No school for students Oct. 20: Report Cards Oct. 31-Nov 4: Lead Reads Week Nov. 1: Book-a-Palooza Nov. 7 & 8: No School for Students Reminders If you need to make changes to your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!
over 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Hey Lead Academy Families, I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Please see the updates and information for the coming week. Crew This week in Crew, students in grades K-4 will discuss our habit of leadership, Empathy. True Empathy requires that you step outside you own emotions to view things entirely from the perspective of the other person. Students in grades 5-8 will discuss begin with the end in mind. Getting a picture in your mind of where you want to end is a great way to ensure that you’re putting the right pieces in place. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day. Lead Reads Week We are super excited about our upcoming Lead Reads Week Oct. 31-Nov. 4. If you are interested in learning how you can help make this event great, please attend our parent interest meeting Tuesday, Oct. 4 via zoom 7:00pm. $1 Dress Down Day This Wednesday, Oct. 5 will be $1 dress down. Students can pay $1 to come out of uniform. Parents, please be mindful that dress-down day is a fundraising effort. Students should not be out of uniform if they choose not to participate in the fundraiser. All students must still be in school-appropriate attire. This means there should be NO HOLES in pants, there are to be NO CROCS or SLIDES, and that any message communicated on their clothing, either through explicit language or artwork or through suggested humor, should be school appropriate. The money will be collected at the front door as students enter. Fundraiser There are only a few days to sell items for our school-wide fundraiser. Remember to bring your envelopes with order forms and payments to school on Monday. Thanks for all of your support! Handbook Highlight As the weather cools down, please remember only Lead Academy jackets may be worn in the building. Upcoming events: Oct. 5: $1 Dress Down Day Oct. 14: Fun Friday Oct. 17: No school for students Oct. 20: Report Cards Oct. 31-Nov 4: Lead Reads Week Nov. 1: Book-a-Palooza Nov. 7 & 8: No School for Students Reminders If you need to make changes to your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 or To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!
over 2 years ago, Curtis Baker
Save the Date!
over 2 years ago, Lead Academy
There are only a few days left to sell items for our school-wide fundraiser. Remember to bring you envelopes with order forms and payments to school on Monday. Thanks for all of your support!
over 2 years ago, Lead Academy