Hey Lead Families,
Out of an abundance of caution, Lead Academy will be closed tomorrow, September 30th. Students will complete e-learning assignments at home. Since Lead is an approved e-learning school, we will not have to make-up days because we are able to provide instruction when school is closed. Please look for communication from your teachers for e-learning assignments.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Hey Lead Families!
Our parent meeting is tonight! We are super excited about our upcoming Lead Reads Week and need your help! If you are interested in learning how you can help make this event great, please join our interest meeting and learn more!

Good Afternoon Lead Parents,
I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. Please see updates and information for the coming week.
This week in Crew, Students in K-4 will discuss and create norms. Norms are the unspoken rules about how we treat each other.
Students in grades 5-8 will continue conversations about our personal bank accounts.
Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day.
Lead Reads Week
We are super excited about our upcoming Lead Reads Week and need your help! If you are interested in learning how you can help make this event great, please attend our parent interest meeting next Tuesday, September 27th at 3:45 here at Lead Academy.
School Fundraiser
Thanks for supporting our school-wide fundraiser. All the information you need was sent home with your student on Tuesday in a blue envelope. Students have one more week to earn super fun prizes through selling and sharing while raising money to support our school. Sale envelopes should be returned to school on Monday, October 3rd.
Lead Freedom Academy Afterschool Program
If you have specific questions about our afterschool program, please reach out to llomax@freedomwithinwalls.org and ttalton@freedomwithinwalls.org.
Upcoming events:
Sept. 29: Picture day (Black Polo Shirts Required)
Oct. 5: $1 Dress Down Day
Oct. 14: Fun Friday
Oct. 17: No school for students
Oct. 20: Report Cards
Oct. 31-Nov 4: Lead Reads Week
Nov. 1: Book-a-Palooza
If you need to make changes to your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 awilson@myleadacademy.com or garcesalas@myleadacademy.com.
To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. https://calendly.com/cubaker/meet
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!

Hey Lead Family! Be sure to ask your student our school-wide fundraiser that started this week. All students should have a blue envelope with all the information you need to get started. Students earn super fun prizes through selling and sharing.

Good Morning Lead Parents,
Please see the updates and information for the coming week.
Shoutout to our volleyball team and their first win of the season!
This week in Crew, students in grades K-4 will discuss what it means to have fun!
Students in grades 5-8 will discuss our personal bank accounts.
Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day.
Grades 3-5 Parent Night This Thursday, September 22
Doors are open from 5:00-5:30 - there will be a table with dojo and app help and sign-ups for Publix Partners and Amazon Smile to help our school. 5:30 - 7:00 Programming: Experience a Parent Crew, Learn about your student's MAP scores, and hear from your child's teachers.
I am excited to announce more end of the year field trip plans. This year we are excited to announce that the 5th and 6th-grade students of Lead Academy will be exploring Washington D.C.! Each 5th and 6th-grade student will receive detailed information to share this week, so please be on the lookout.
Parents, please save the date for our Book a Palooza event on Tuesday, Nov. 1! This evening event will be part of our Lead Reads Week Oct. 31-Nov 4. We will be communicating more information as we move closer to the date.
Spirit Week
We will celebrate spirit week this week with the following themes.
Marvelous Monday
Wear your favorite Marvel character shirt. (No costumes)
Team Tuesday
Show off your favorite sports team
Whacky Wednesday
Come dressed in your whackiest/tackiest gear!
Throwback Thursday
Dress from your favorite decade
Future Friday
Dress as your future self or as a futuristic character.
*Spirit week is free for all students to participate. Students who choose not to participate must be in uniform. All students must still be in school-appropriate attire. This means there should be NO HOLES in pants, there are to be NO CROCS or SLIDES, and that any message communicated on their clothing, either through explicit language or artwork or through suggested humor, should be school appropriate.
All Pro Dad
Lead Academy has the wonderful opportunity to partner with the organization All Pro Dad. All Pro Dad creates opportunities for dads to spend quality time with their children, strengthening their relationship. For one hour each month, you get to join other dads and kids at school for a fun, memory-making event. Please look for information to come home with your student this week.
Handbook Highlight
Only Lead Academy jackets may be worn inside the school building. During colder weather, heavier jackets may be worn outdoors only.
Upcoming Dates:
Sept. 19-23: Spirit Week
Sept. 22: Grades 3-5 Parent Night (5:00pm)
Sept. 29: Picture day (Black Polo Shirts Required)
Oct. 5: $1 Dress Down Day
Oct. 14: Fun Friday
Oct. 20: Report Cards
Oct. 31-Nov 4: Lead Reads Week
Nov. 1: Book-a-Palooza
If you need to make changes to your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 awilson@myleadacademy.com or garcesalas@myleadacademy.com.
To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. https://calendly.com/cubaker/meet
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!

Good Afternoon Lead Families,
I hope everyone is doing well. Please see the updates and information for the coming week.
This week in Crew, students in grades K-4 will discuss the topic of Serve Well. Serve Well or service means to help someone. Students in grades 5-8 will continue conversations about life centers. A life center is your paradigm of life. Whatever is most important to you will usually become your life center.
Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day.
Grades K-2 Parent Night Wednesday, September 14
Doors are open from 5:00-5:30 - there will be a table with dojo and app help and sign-ups for Publix Partners and Amazon Smile to help our school.
5:30 - 7:00 Programming: Experience a Parent Crew, Learn about your student's MAP scores, and hear from your child's teachers.
Sept. 16 No School for Students
Spirit Week
Sorry for the delay spirit week once again, but we will push it back one more week. Spirit week will be the week of Sept. 19-23. We announce the themes this week.
Handbook Highlight
A student absent from school must present a note to the front office within 48 hours of their return to school.
Upcoming Dates
Sept. 14: Grades K-2 Parent Night
Sept. 19-23: Spirit Week
Sept. 16: No School For Students
Sept. 22: Grades 3-5 Parent Night
Sept. 29: Picture day (Black Polo Shirts Required)
If you need to make changes to your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 awilson@myleadacademy.com or garcesalas@myleadacademy.com.
To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. https://calendly.com/cubaker/meet
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!

Good Afternoon Lead Families,
I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. Please see the updates and information for the coming week.
Students in grades K-5 will discuss what it means to work hard. The topic of discussion will be "You get what you work for, not what you wish for."
Students in grades 6-8 will discuss the topic "life centers." Students will learn what it means to center their life on something that leads to their success.
Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day.
6-8 Parent Night Thursday, Sept. 8
Doors are open from 5:00-5:30 - there will be a table with high school info, dojo and app help, sign up for Publix Partners and Amazon Smile to help our school.
5:30 - 7:00 Programming: Experience a Parent Crew, Learn about your student's MAP scores, and hear from your child's teachers.
Handbook Highlight
Lead Students are required to have a black Lead polo shirt. These shirts are worn for field trips, special events, and picture days. Please communicate with the front office if you do not have a Lead polo.
Spirit week moved to next week
Spirit week will be the week of Sept. 12-16
$1 Dress Down Day
This Wednesday, Sept. 7 will be $1 dress down. Students can pay $1 to come out of uniform. Parents, please be mindful that dress-down day is a fundraising effort. Students should not be out of uniform if they choose not to participate in the fundraiser.
All students must still be in school-appropriate attire. This means there should be NO HOLES in pants, there are to be NO CROCS or SLIDES, and that any message communicated on their clothing, either through explicit language or artwork or through suggested humor, should be school appropriate. The money will be collected at the front door as students enter.
Fun Friday
We will have Fun Friday this Friday, Sept. 9. Fun Friday is an opportunity for students to live out our EPIC habits of leadership through original, Lead created team-building games. Students should wear their team colors. Much like DRESS DOWN DAY, all attire worn on Fun Fridays must be school-appropriate.
Upcoming Dates
Sept. 7: $1 Dress Down day
Sept. 8: Grades 6-8 Parent Night 5:30-7
Sept. 9: Fun Friday
Sept. 15: Grades K-2 Parent Night
Sept. 12-15: Spirit Week
Sept. 16: No School For Students
Sept. 22: Grades 3-5 Parent Night
Sept. 29: Picture day (Black Polo Shirts Required)
If you need to make changes to your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 awilson@myleadacademy.com or garcesalas@myleadacademy.com.
To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. https://calendly.com/cubaker/meet
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!

Hey Lead Families,
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed the weekend. Please see the information below for the coming week.
Thanks to all our students that participated in our first school dance in 3 years! Our students had a blast!
I am excited to announce our annual End of the Year Field Trip plans. This year we are excited to announce that the 7th and 8th grade students of Lead Academy will be exploring New York City! Each 7th and 8th grade student will receive detailed information to share tomorrow, so please be on the lookout.
Handbook Highlight
Students can have a water bottle with them throughout the day. Please ensure that students have water only in their bottles. Water is the only drink permitted outside of the cafeteria. Students can have other beverages during lunch in the cafeteria.
School Store Open
The uniform store is now open through September 2. If you need to order a uniform, jacket, or other items, please visit the link to make your purchase. https://323sports.com/QKPV-PMY3/
Chrome Books
We are in the process of assigning Chrome books to students in Grades 3-8. If your student has not received their device, please turn in a signed copy of the Student/Parent Chrome book Responsible Use Agreement. Copies are available in the front office. Chrome book fees are $30. Please help your student be good stewards of their devices.
Upcoming events:
September 5: No School (Labor Day)
September 6-9: Spirit Week
September 7: $1 Dress Down Day
September 8: 6th-8th Grade Parent Night
September 9: Fun Friday
If you need to make changes to your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 awilson@myleadacademy.com or garcesalas@myleadacademy.com.
To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. https://calendly.com/cubaker/meet
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great rest of your day!

Hey Lead Families,
Thank you to everyone for a fantastic first week of school. We couldn't have asked for a smoother start to the year. Please see the following updates and information for the coming week.
Back to School Dance
We will have our back-to-school dance this Friday, August 26th! $5 admission (pay in advance). All snacks $1 each!
Grades K-4th, the dance will begin immediately after school starting 3:45-4:45 and Grades 5th-8th will start at 5:30-6:30
The dance is for Lead Academy students only. Only students attending the dance are allowed to stay during the designated times. No siblings or relatives can stay to wait for their dance time or for pick up (ex. middle school students cannot stay after school with elementary siblings or vice versa. There will not be staff to supervise students waiting with older or younger siblings.)
School Uniform Store is Open
The uniform store is now open through September 2nd. If you need to order a uniform, jacket, or other items, please visit the link to make your purchase. https://323sports.com/QKPV-PMY3/
Carline changes
We will have to make changes to our carline process due to our final inspection for our new construction on Tuesday. We will have to temporarily go back to last year's arrival and dismissal process beginning Monday morning. We ask that you please follow the directions of our carline crew when you arrive. Thanks for your cooperation and flexibility.
MAP Testing
Our MAP testing window is not open for all students. MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) is a nationally-normed, computerized test provided to all Lead Academy students in grades K-8. It assesses students in math and reading and allows our teachers to identify specific areas of strength and areas for improvement. Teachers use this information to prepare small group instruction on each child's ability level in both reading and math.
If your child tests positive for covid, they must isolate for 5 days from the onset of symptoms. They may return to school on day 6, but they MUST wear a mask on days 6-10. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with Nurse Todd at jotodd@myleadacademy.com
-Students in Grades 3-8 are required to pay a $30 Chromebook fee.
-If you need to make changes to your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 awilson@myleadacademy.com or garcesalas@myleadacademy.com.
To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. https://calendly.com/cubaker/meet
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Wishing everyone a great rest of your day!

Good Evening Lead Families!
Thank you so much for a wonderful first day of school! It was great to see so many families this morning! Our entire staff has been overwhelmed with joy seeing all students.
Here are a few reminders as we move forward into our second day of school and beyond:
We will be on our regular schedule starting tomorrow. Our doors open at 7:15. You are considered late if you arrive after 7:45. You will then have to walk your child to the front office and sign them in. Parents may walk students to the front lobby but not to the classrooms as this was a special event for the first day of school.
Thank you for your patience as we work out the kinks in using our new carline system.
Your student should come home with a car tag so please be sure to have it visible for staff to see during dismissal.
Please stay in your car during dismissal as this will help move the line faster.
Please turn in your free and reduced lunch forms. We need these from all families, even if you completed one last year, as it determines our federal funding.
Also, students in grades 3-8 are required to pay a Chromebook fee of $30. Please pay this as soon as possible if you have not done so.
Thanks, and I look forward to an awesome 2nd day and rest of the year!

Hello students and families! Please see the information regarding the first day of school, arrival and dismissal. We cannot wait to see our crew mates on Monday!
Parents WILL be allowed to walk their students to their classroom on the first day and greet the teacher.
Parking: If you walk your student into the school building, please park in a parking space and not in the car line.
Our normal school day begins at 7:45 am. However, we are extending our start time to 8:00 am on the first day of school. You will be able to arrive as early as 7:15 am to meet your teacher on the first day of school; however, all visitors will need to exit the school building by 8:00 am so we can begin the school day. This will be a great time to bring in your student's supplies.
If you are dropping your student off and are NOT coming into the building, please use the car line so someone can receive your student from your car.
If your student is riding the bus, please be mindful that there may be some delays with pick-up and dismissal on these first days due to becoming familiar with the route.
If you have not already received your car tag for our afternoon dismissal, car tags will be sent home with your student on the first day of school.
Dismissal will begin at 3:15 pm. Instruction continues until the end of the day, so we discourage dismissals after 2:30 pm.
If you are picking your student up at the end of the day, please be mindful that there may be some slight delays due to becoming familiar with the dismissal protocol. This will improve over the first few weeks.
During dismissal, please stay in your car. We will deliver your student to you in a timely fashion.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Late Arrivals
Please note: Teachers will be prepared to greet parents on the first day of school until 8:00 am, but not after that. Instruction will be in progress.
If your student arrives after the start time, they are considered late. The parent/guardian dropping the student off MUST walk their student into the building and sign them in.
We have been awarded final approval for the "Freedom Leadership Academy" afterschool program. Our afterschool program will be free of charge Monday-Friday from 3:15 until 6pm. Our tentative start date will be Sept. 6.
-Daily snacks and dinner
-Homework help and tutoring
-STEAM and enrichment activities
-Leadership development
-Fitness and nutrition help
-parent development and more
If you are interested, please complete the attached form.
School Meals
One BIG change this year is that breakfast and lunch are no longer free for all students.
Breakfast costs $1.50 and lunch costs $3.00.
Breakfast is served to students daily between the hours of 7:15 am until 7:45 am. If your child plans to eat breakfast at school, they must arrive during these times.
Students are not allowed to have meals delivered to the school via delivery services (door dash, uber eats, etc.)
Cell phones
Students are prohibited from having cell phones and smart watches at school. If a student brings a cell phone or smartwatch to school, it must not be seen or heard. If a staff member sees or hears either, it will be taken away and must be picked up in the front office by a parent.
Likewise, Students may not contact parents regarding illness using personal cell phones. If a student becomes ill at school, they must go to the Health Room where the nurse will evaluate whether or not that student needs to go home.
Transportation changes
If you need to make a change to your child's transportation, please call or email the front office at 864-916-1459 awilson@myleadacademy.com or garcesalas@myleadacademy.com.
Please review our Parent Student Handbook, which has many essential school policies and procedures that everyone will want to be aware of.
Thanks and we look forward to a successful school year!

Hey Lead Families,
We are excited to have our meet the teacher night for grades K and 1st tomorrow night August 10, from 4:30-6. See you there!

Good Morning Lead Families,
If you are interested in boys soccer, we will have tryouts this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 4:15-5:30. Students should come wearing a school appropriate T-shirt, athletic shirts, cleats if they have them, bring sneakers with them, and a water bottle. Tryouts will be here at the school on the lower field.
If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Amy Devolve at adevolve@myleadacademy.com
Thanks and have a great day!

Hey Lead Families,
Just a reminder that we will have our registration day for grades 2nd-8th on tomorrow August 3, from 7:30-10:30 and 3:30-6.
Uniform pick up
sign paperwork and receive other information
pay an annual $30 Chromebook Fee.
We will have our meet the teacher night for grades K and 1st on August 10, from 4:30-6.

Hey Lead Parents,
Volleyball try outs will be held August 1st and 2nd, 4-5pm at First Baptist Church, 847 Cleveland St. Greenville.
The gym is located behind the church, with the entry doors on the left of the awning.
Please have your student dress in shorts, t-shirt, athletic sneakers(not slip-ons) and bring a water bottle. If they have kneepads, please bring them.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Carlie Feno at cafeno@myleadacademy.com
Go Falcons!

Hey Lead,
Check out the attached summer announcement for important information.

Hey Lead Parents,
I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend. Please see the updates and information for our last week of school.
June 2nd and 3rd are both half days. Students will be dismissed at 11:00.
Parents, please pick up your child's medication from the Nurse's office NO LATER THAN JUNE 1ST, at 3:00 pm, which is our last full day. Any medication not picked up by this time will be destroyed. NO MEDICATION WILL BE SENT HOME WITH STUDENTS OR KEPT IN THE OFFICE OVER THE SUMMER
Due to our construction, we must create a new path that connects with our partner Conestee Nature Reserve. If you are interested in participating in creating a new path through the woods to join our two properties during the week of June 6th, please let me know. Chainsaws and other path-cutting tools are required.
A reminder that board voting for Lead Academy Board of Directors is open. If you have not voted, please visit the front office to get a ballot and cast your vote. Each family gets one vote per student. Votes must be received or postmarked by Friday May 27th at 4:00pm.
Lead students in grades 4th-8th have the opportunity to participate in elective classes. Please fill out the attached form for all rising 4th-8th graders in preparation for electives for the 2022-2023 school year. In choosing, we always try to give students as many of their preferences but can't guarantee you will get all of your top choices.
4th-5th sign-ups
6th-8th sign ups
Our school calendar is published on the website for the 2022-2023 school year. Please click the link to check it out. https://www.myleadacademy.com/page/calendar2022
Our yearbooks are now on sale, and you can place your order on the website at www.myleadacademy.com. To ensure the purchase of your yearbook, please purchase it on the Lead website. Hardcovers are $25, and Softcovers are $20. If you would like to pay by cash or check, you may send payments in with your students or stop by the front office.
The school uniform store has been extended until this Friday. If you need to purchase new uniforms or upgrade sizes, please do so by June 3rd. Current 4th-grade students will need to upgrade to our gray shirts for the 22-23 school year. You can visit the uniform store at https://www.myleadacademy.com/page/2021-2022-school-uniform.
The Band Concert will be at Carolina High School on Tuesday, May 31 at 6:30pm. This concert will be FREE of charge.
May 31: Band Concert at 6:30
June 2: Half Day-Students dismiss at 11:00
June 3: Half Day- Students dismiss at 11:00
To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. https://calendly.com/cubaker/meet
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I hope everyone has a great week!

Good Afternoon Lead Families,
I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Sunday afternoon. Please see the information and updates for the coming week.
This week, students will continue conversations around "reflections". Students will discuss how we can continue learning, even while we are not present at school during the summer. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day.
On this coming Friday, May 27th, we are going to use the K-2 related arts time to complete their field day activities since they were rained out on their day. On Friday, K-2 students can come dressed in their field day colors.
It's time to elect our new board members. Board Ballots will be sent home this week for each family to vote. Each family receives one vote per student. Please return your completed ballots to your student's teacher or the front office. The deadline to cast your votes is Friday, May 27 at 4:00pm.
SC Ready Field Test
Lead Academy students in grades 3-8 will be participating in a field test for SC Ready. Students will test on Monday, May 23. This state reading/writing test is somewhat like a practice test for the state department to 'field' questions and writing prompts to students for potential future test items. This field test will not count toward your child's state test scores.
Lead students in grades 4th-8th have the opportunity to participate in elective classes. Please fill out the attached form for all rising 4th-8th graders in preparation for electives for the 2022-2023 school year. In choosing, we always try to give students as many of their preferences but can't guarantee you will get all of your top choices.
4th-5th sign-ups
6th-8th sign ups
Chromebooks for grades 3-8 will be collected this week.
Grades 3, 4, & 5 will be on Tuesday.
Grades 6, 7, & 8 will be on Wednesday.
Chromebooks should be fully charged and free of any stickers that are not Lead Academy identifying barcodes.
All students should return their assigned Chromebook, charger, and soft case.
Please continue to support our canned food drive. If the food comes in a box or can and has a long shelf life we can accept that donation!
Our school calendar is published on the website for the 2022-2023 school year. Please click the link to check it out. https://www.myleadacademy.com/page/calendar2022
Our yearbooks are now on sale, and you can place your order on the website at www.myleadacademy.com. To ensure the purchase of your yearbook, please purchase it on the Lead website. Hardcovers are $25, and Softcovers are $20. If you would like to pay by cash or check, you may send payments in with your students or stop by the front office.
The school uniform store has been extended until this Friday. If you need to purchase new uniforms or upgrade sizes, please do so by May 27. Current 4th-grade students will need to upgrade to our gray shirts for the 22-23 school year. You can visit the uniform store at https://www.myleadacademy.com/page/2021-2022-school-uniform.
The Band Concert will be at Carolina High School on Tuesday, May 31 at 6:30pm. This concert will be FREE of charge.
May 23: Field testing grades 3-8
May 31: Band Concert
June 2: Half Day-Students dismiss at 11:00
June 3: Half Day- Students dismiss at 11:00
Handbook Highlight
Students may not use cell phones during the school day – they must be turned off and stored away. The cell phone will be confiscated and returned to a parent/guardian in the front office if used. If a parent/guardian reports that their student called them from a cell phone to come pick them up, the phone will be confiscated.
To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. https://calendly.com/cubaker/meet
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I hope everyone has a great week!

Good Afternoon Lead Families,
I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Sunday afternoon. Please see the information and updates for the coming week.
This week, students will continue conversations around "reflections". Students will discuss how we can continue learning, even while we are not present at school during the summer. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day.
On this coming Friday, May 27th, we are going to use the K-2 related arts time to complete their field day activities since they were rained out on their day. On Friday, K-2 students can come dressed in their field day colors.
It's time to elect our new board members. Board Ballots will be sent home this week for each family to vote. Each family receives one vote per student. Please return your completed ballots to your student's teacher or the front office. The deadline to cast your votes is Friday, May 27 at 4:00pm.
SC Ready Field Test
Lead Academy students in grades 3-8 will be participating in a field test for SC Ready. Students will test on Monday, May 23. This state reading/writing test is somewhat like a practice test for the state department to 'field' questions and writing prompts to students for potential future test items. This field test will not count toward your child's state test scores.
Lead students in grades 4th-8th have the opportunity to participate in elective classes. Please fill out the attached form for all rising 4th-8th graders in preparation for electives for the 2022-2023 school year. In choosing, we always try to give students as many of their preferences but can't guarantee you will get all of your top choices.
4th-5th sign-ups
6th-8th sign ups
Chromebooks for grades 3-8 will be collected this week.
Grades 3, 4, & 5 will be on Tuesday.
Grades 6, 7, & 8 will be on Wednesday.
Chromebooks should be fully charged and free of any stickers that are not Lead Academy identifying barcodes.
All students should return their assigned Chromebook, charger, and soft case.
Please continue to support our canned food drive. If the food comes in a box or can and has a long shelf life we can accept that donation!
Our school calendar is published on the website for the 2022-2023 school year. Please click the link to check it out. https://www.myleadacademy.com/page/calendar2022
Our yearbooks are now on sale, and you can place your order on the website at www.myleadacademy.com. To ensure the purchase of your yearbook, please purchase it on the Lead website. Hardcovers are $25, and Softcovers are $20. If you would like to pay by cash or check, you may send payments in with your students or stop by the front office.
The school uniform store has been extended until this Friday. If you need to purchase new uniforms or upgrade sizes, please do so by May 27. Current 4th-grade students will need to upgrade to our gray shirts for the 22-23 school year. You can visit the uniform store at https://www.myleadacademy.com/page/2021-2022-school-uniform.
The Band Concert will be at Carolina High School on Tuesday, May 31 at 6:30pm. This concert will be FREE of charge.
May 23: Field testing grades 3-8
May 24-27: Spirit week
May 31: Band Concert
June 2: Half Day-Students dismiss at 11:00
June 3: Half Day- Students dismiss at 11:00
Handbook Highlight
Students may not use cell phones during the school day – they must be turned off and stored away. The cell phone will be confiscated and returned to a parent/guardian in the front office if used. If a parent/guardian reports that their student called them from a cell phone to come pick them up, the phone will be confiscated.
To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. https://calendly.com/cubaker/meet
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I hope everyone has a great week!

Good Afternoon Lead Families,
Please see the updates and information for the coming week.
This week, students will continue with the crew topic "reflection." Students will discuss highlights from the year, life lessons, and thinking about things that we might have done differently. Please ask your students about crew conversations that are happening. Crew begins each day at 7:45, so it is vital that your student is at school on time each day.
We are running a canned and boxed food drive at LEAD to support food insecure families from the 16th to 27th of May. If the food comes in a box or can and has a long shelf life we can accept that donation!
We are working with the amazing organization "Loaves and Fishes" and encourage you to check them out here: https://loavesandfishesgreenville.com/
Please send in what you 'can' with your students in the morning!
This Wednesday, May 18, will be dress-down day. Students can pay $1 to come out of uniform. Parents, please be mindful that dress-down day is a fundraising effort. Students should not be out of uniform if they choose not to participate in the fundraiser.
All students must still be in school-appropriate attire. This means there should be NO HOLES in pants, there are to be NO CROCS or SLIDES, and that any message communicated on their clothing, either through explicit language or artwork or through suggested humor, should be school appropriate. The money will be collected at the front door as students enter.
SC Ready Field Test
During the week of May 23, Lead Academy will be participating in a field test for SC Ready. This state reading / writing test is somewhat like a practice test for the state department to 'field' questions and writing prompts to students for potential future test items. This field test will not count toward your child's state test scores.
Our school calendar is published on the website for the 2022-2023 school year. Please click the link to check it out. https://www.myleadacademy.com/page/calendar2022
Our yearbooks are now on sale, and you can place your order on the website at www.myleadacademy.com. To ensure the purchase of your yearbook, please purchase it on the Lead website. Hardcovers are $25, and Softcovers are $20. If you would like to pay by cash or check, you may send payments in with your students or stop by the front office.
The school uniform store is open. If you need to purchase new uniforms or upgrade sizes, please do so by May 20. Current 4th-grade students will need to upgrade to our gray shirts for the 22-23 school year. You can visit the uniform store at https://www.myleadacademy.com/page/2021-2022-school-uniform.
The Band Concert will be at Carolina High School on Tuesday, May 31 at 6:30pm. This concert will be FREE of charge.
May 16: Canned food drive kick-off
May 18: Dress Down day $1
May 31: Band Concert
Handbook Highlight
Students may not use cell phones during the school day. They must be turned off and stored away. The cell phone will be confiscated and returned to a parent/guardian in the front office if used. If a parent/guardian reports that their student called them from a cell phone to come pick them up, the phone will be confiscated.
To listen, learn, & collaborate, any stakeholder wishing to snag some time with Mr. Baker can sign up for open office hours on any platform of your choosing by clicking the link. https://calendly.com/cubaker/meet
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I hope everyone has a great week!