I understand that I am being issued a Chromebook to enhance my educational experience. I am responsible for the Chromebook, charger, and case assigned to me and I will care for the materials in such a manner as to prevent loss, damage, or theft to the best of my ability. It will be in my sole possession for use at and away from school. I further understand that:

  • The Chromebook is an instructional resource and will be brought to school every day charged and ready for use.

    It is recommended that the school-issued charger remain at home.

  • I will use extreme care and caution in the protection of my assigned device. Including: keeping the Chromebook in the case when not in use and when transporting between home and school, not eating or drinking over an open device, not defacing the device by adding stickers or writing. 

  • I will only log in under my assigned Lead Academy username.

  • I will follow all staff directions regarding using my Chromebook.

  • The parent/guardian agrees to monitor student use at home and away from school.

  • The use of a Chromebook is a privilege for education purposes. Lead Academy may revoke my use of the Chromebook at any time. 

  • The equipment is the property of Lead Academy and I will not remove or alter any school or district identifying number labels or snap on cases.

  • Damage or loss of any of my assigned materials will be reported on a Chromebook Damage form no later than the next school day. 

  • I will return the Chromebook and other assigned materials to Lead Academy on the collection date, on my last day of enrollment, or immediately upon request at any time. I will return the materials in the same condition as when received. 

  • All files stored on school equipment or on the network are the property of the school and may be subject to review and monitoring.

  • Students are expected to notify a staff member immediately if they come across information, images, or messages that are inappropriate, dangerous, threatening, or make them feel uncomfortable.

  • I am accountable to all school policies, and state and federal laws in the use of my Chromebook.

  • I am responsible to pay the $30 Chromebook insurance fee  in order to have a device assigned to me. The insurance fee covers minor repairs and servicing. Intentional damage or damage due to negligence will require payment for repairs or replacement. 

  • I understand that failure to return my school-assigned materials will mean that I owe 

    $250 - Chromebook, $20 - charger, $10 - case.